Apple watch

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I kind of get it for sports. For example today I was cycling home today and my phone was vibrating for notifications but I couldn't do anything about it till I got home, I didn't know if it was something important or a random facebook message. If it popped up on my wrist that would be handy, I am not paying £300 for it though!

It would get on my nerves if I was in a meeting and it kept popping up with a notification every few minutes.

I dont know if life is different for most other people, but it is very rare for me to get a mail or text that I need to know now. Certainly not to the point when i am doing a sport and want to stop paying attention just to find a spam or even a legit mail that could not wait an hour.

It feels a bit like those who risk lives texting and phoning when driving. I bet almost all of it is trivia, but people feel they need the latest facebook update right that second.
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