sunderland fans link adam johnson song to madelein mccann

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they chose not to allow my comment last night when i pointed out INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY and that they have even ran an article about Johnson's girlfriends mum standing by him in this. Surely she is supporting him the same way we are.....but no its easy to target a mass crowd where they can't prove who said what....i smell bullshit! disgraceful journalism

they chose not to allow my comment last night when i pointed out INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY and that they have even ran an article about Johnson's girlfriends mum standing by him in this. Surely she is supporting him the same way we are.....but no its easy to target a mass crowd where they can't prove who said what....i smell bullshit! disgraceful journalism

But hold on - a number of our fans were singing songs the other night implying he was guilty and celebrating that. Morons.
What was the point of the Leverson inquiry?

The lad, who is presently innocent and without charge but is being named every single day

It's wrong but it's the law (wrong IMO) that he can be named, and that the alleged victim is not. The press havent got this info as a result of phone hacking or dodgy practices.
Not related to the article but do you think the songs will stop if he is found guilty?

As with all groups of often pissed up lads there will be some that want to be "edgy" and will end up singing things thinking theyre being clever. The vast majority wont join in. I sang "theres only one adam johnson" (didnt join in with the shags who he wants song) because, currently, he hasnt even been charged with anything. If charged i'll probably not sing it, if found guilty i definitely wont. I think thats probably the position for the vast majority of us who sang "theres only one" down Hull
The Daily Star is aimed at 10-year olds. The style of writing and pictures etc. The journalism is so poor it's laughable and it's dirt cheap for the sheer fact it has tits in. It's barely a step-up from a Dirty mag.

As has been mentioned the McCann's sued them.
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