Phrases that get on ones tits?

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Anything to do with corporate jargon or buzzwords absolutely bursts my napper. It's tedious,odious,and anything else derogatory you can think of that ends with ous.
"Touch Base" - someone said that to me just yesterday! "Hey, Dave, I'm in the area next week, maybe pop in and touch base" I wanted to reach down the phone line and throttle the bastard...

Oh, and "thinking outside the box" - what fuckin box are you referring to exactly?
So many that I have heard over the years:

Blue Sky thinking
Pushing the envelope
We'll just park that there and come back to it
Thinking time
Outside the box

But I heard one yesterday for the first time:

The Leeds United fiasco was being reported here and the Chief Operation Officer said it was "BAU!" It means Business as usual - What rubbish!
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