Big Cats in UK

I've said on here before in another thread..when I was living in Dorset I saw a large Black Cat/Panther out in the forest roads around Burley...probably about 50m infront of me crossing the road, then about 2 seconds later a load of deer come legging the opposite direction, it was dusk and a bit rainy...I remember a silver Merc slowing down to come past me as we were out in the open, wasn't until I was about 1 minute down the road by brain went....'hold on, that was a bloody big cat....' always wondered if the other car saw it too...

as for the Shark Video further up, it looks like a Juvenile Great White...the Dorsal fin is too sharp for a Basker, and it has a white under belly....possibly a Porbeagle..
There's a lot of food for Great whites wouldn't surprise me,...the water temps are fine, they have thriving Great whites in Canadian waters in the Atlantic.Where there's food they'll be...they're already in the Med.

A keeper at exmoor zoo a few years ago told me he’s done a full check of all their cat enclosures a few times in case one has escaped after seeing big cats on his way in to work.
It's easy to get perspective wrong, just ask Dougal. There's nowt wrong with my eye sight but I once mistook 2 sheep for 2 horses. Me and a mate were coming down off a mountain in low cloud and I saw these two horses in a field in front of us and said why don't we jump on them horses and ride down. Me mate just looked at me and said what horses. I said those two in the field. He says do you mean those sheep. All I can put it down to is the trees in the area were all stunted growth so made the sheep look bigger than they were. The sheep had recently been sheared and they did look kind of horsey.
So your honour, the reason i was riding it was, i thought it was a horse. Neigh lad, i'm not having that.
I've said on here before in another thread..when I was living in Dorset I saw a large Black Cat/Panther out in the forest roads around Burley...probably about 50m infront of me crossing the road, then about 2 seconds later a load of deer come legging the opposite direction, it was dusk and a bit rainy...I remember a silver Merc slowing down to come past me as we were out in the open, wasn't until I was about 1 minute down the road by brain went....'hold on, that was a bloody big cat....' always wondered if the other car saw it too...

as for the Shark Video further up, it looks like a Juvenile Great White...the Dorsal fin is too sharp for a Basker, and it has a white under belly....possibly a Porbeagle..
There's a lot of food for Great whites wouldn't surprise me,...the water temps are fine, they have thriving Great whites in Canadian waters in the Atlantic.Where there's food they'll be...they're already in the Med.
We're going to need a bigger thread.
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