How to resolve the energy crisis

Crook Mackem

Last night I was lying awake and it suddenly struck me.......what makes up the atmosphere in space.

Well apparently its mostly hydrogen. We can use space gas (hydrogen) to power things. Hence in my opinion we could just use that for the entire world . Bonus being there is an unlimited supply and it doesnt appear anyone else uses it for anything. Probably carbon neutral as well.

Now obviously there could be a problem with getting it to earth to do all the necessary to it to make it work in a boiler / car / plugs etc. Well we dont really need to bring it to earth to do all that (in my opinion). What we need to do, is build another moon. A little bit smaller than the other one and a bit closer to the world but big enough to collect and process all the space gas. I`m thinking like a moon with a bit of a bubble round it to hold in the oxygen for the workers. Then we could have tubes leading from it back to earth, to the various continents etc. Could even have a tube heading the other way sending up fresh air for the lads. With the comprehensive tube system spanning the globe, this would inevitably lead to everyone getting involved and chipping in to the overall costs.

Thoughts ?

Last night I was lying awake and it suddenly struck me.......what makes up the atmosphere in space.

Well apparently its mostly hydrogen. We can use space gas (hydrogen) to power things. Hence in my opinion we could just use that for the entire world . Bonus being there is an unlimited supply and it doesnt appear anyone else uses it for anything. Probably carbon neutral as well.

Now obviously there could be a problem with getting it to earth to do all the necessary to it to make it work in a boiler / car / plugs etc. Well we dont really need to bring it to earth to do all that (in my opinion). What we need to do, is build another moon. A little bit smaller than the other one and a bit closer to the world but big enough to collect and process all the space gas. I`m thinking like a moon with a bit of a bubble round it to hold in the oxygen for the workers. Then we could have tubes leading from it back to earth, to the various continents etc. Could even have a tube heading the other way sending up fresh air for the lads. With the comprehensive tube system spanning the globe, this would inevitably lead to everyone getting involved and chipping in to the overall costs.

Thoughts ?
Canny aye :lol:
Don’t you have to make the object a certain mass before it’ll have the necessary gravity to not float off?

yeh, scientists would need to work all that stuff out. i think the big worry is the cost of getting it back to earth but plastics generally quite cheap so could maybe use that to make the tubes
One of those posts that'll get ridiculed but will actually happen in some form, but not in our lifetime.

Love the phrase 'chipping in' as if some global effort to build some sort of mega space station to mine the universe's resources is akin to passing an envelope round for someone's leaving card.
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yeh, scientists would need to work all that stuff out. i think the big worry is the cost of getting it back to earth but plastics generally quite cheap so could maybe use that to make the tubes
Could the likes of a cargo ship size have gravitational pull if fired into space?

I know they could be built as big as you need and the only reason they have got no bigger is they wouldn’t fit through shipping canals. Could that be worth looking into?
Could the likes of a cargo ship size have gravitational pull if fired into space?

I know they could be built as big as you need and the only reason they have got no bigger is they wouldn’t fit through shipping canals. Could that be worth looking into?

Didnt musk put a tesla up there not long back ? That still there or has it floated off ?
Aye but it took some getting up there. It would take a canny bit more fuel to get the emma maersk up there.

Last week I got a new set of drawers delivered. Box was heavy as owt. Had to open it downstairs and carry it up bit by bit before I built them. Probably have to do something similar I reckon.
