Does feeling negative cause negative things?

Constantly feeling negative can have an affect on your life I suppose if it affects relationships. The good news is that cognitive therapy is something you can try at home and it costs nowt. You can actually turn negatives into positives. Otherwise console yourself that nothing really matters (other than to those closest to you) and go and live in a cave somewhere and be a hermit. There's no good way or bad way to live your life.

If you can, I would say getting outdoors amongst the nature helps me. Daft as it sounds but just little things like taking a minute to stop and look around at the trees, the birds, the wind, if you live near the coast then a walk along there and watch the sea.

Take care of yourself and keep telling yourself it’s just a phase that will pass, because trust me it will and always does.
Cognitive therapy in a nutshell. Open up those channels of positive energy.
Keep on reachin' mate, you never know what's around the corner. Hard I know sometimes, but there's usually a solution to every problem.

If you can, I would say getting outdoors amongst the nature helps me. Daft as it sounds but just little things like taking a minute to stop and look around at the trees, the birds, the wind, if you live near the coast then a walk along there and watch the sea.

Take care of yourself and keep telling yourself it’s just a phase that will pass, because trust me it will and always does.
Run like fook. Hoy weights about. Walk the dog. Doesn't stop everything going tits up I'm afraid. My freezer fooked up today. Just waiting for the boiler to go for a full house. I give up.
My fridge is now fooked. This is just getting silly now. Wtf am I meant to do man? I reckon it's boiler next. Gotta roofer coming tomorrow. Bet its cheap as fook.
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