Giving off the gay vibe

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Has happened me to on occasion...once out with mates in a pub and this lad with nee mates came to sit with us as he knew my mate from school. He seemed off from the start but it got a whole lot worse.

On returning from a piss my mates had decided to disappear (the absolute c****) into different rooms of the bar/getting drinks etc. Which left me sitting with this weird lad. Anyway next thing he starts shimmying his seat over towards me. He then started stroking my leg and saying "you're fit you". Anyway being the pathetic person I am I totally froze, able only to say I was going for a fag.

He preceded to follow me out but luckily he got stuck talking to someone so I took my leave. My mates had returned finally. I quickly told them and then legged it to get the bus home. The lad came back and on realising I had bolted he chased after me! Running out the pub shouting "come back you dickhead!". I ran my little heart out and hid in the bus station until the bus arrived. Didn't go back there again. :eek::lol:
Snorting like fuck. Fuck off, whilst I convulse

I seem to do this based on a few recent experiences.

Almost never do I get chatted up by a lass, or even get told a lass fancies me etc. (I'm not a total minger either... honest!), yet lately I seem to be attracting members of the same sex almost en masse.

A few recent examples:-
Out with the pooch a few weeks ago and some dude out with his pooch starts talking to me after our dogs started playing, after a brief chat he asks if I'd fancy going for a drink sometime.

Having a few drinks with three colleagues (albeit all females) last week, girl comes over (WAD too!), asks if she can join us for a second then proceeds to ask me if I'm gay because her male friend on her table fancies me.

Probably the most audacious of all... was out yesterday with a female friend who could've quite easily been my lass (she was a while back) having something to eat in a café and this lad comes over and hands me a card saying "call me" with his number and a f***ing kiss on it!!!!!!

SMB I need to know that this is not just me. All advice will be appreciated on how to amend this situation.
Do you look like a lass or very feminine?
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