How much will you spend on gift for your partner or spouse this year?

Lovely place, 2 great pubs and a superb beach walk to Dunstanburgh Castle and beyond.
As a one off this year, and as she does so much for me and the family, I’ve spent a grand on her. She’s worth every penny, even after 38 years.

Yeah sometimes you have to go above and beyond, especially if they have either had a tough year or been generally amazing.
Donating to charity, maybe the Soup Kitchen Christmas hamper

A good cause, especially this time of year. We are going to volunteer to help out on Christmas day one year. The Mrs is really keen on it. Just need the boy to be a bit older.
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Daughter worked at a French ski chalet one winter and a Russian and hs wife were guests over Christmas and new year. He gave his wife £100,000 as her present. Daughter said of all the guests they has staying that season they gave the smallest tip.
Daughter worked at a French ski chalet one winter and a Russian and hs wife were guests over Christmas and new year. He gave his wife £100,000 as her present. Daughter said of all the guests they has staying that season they gave the smallest tip.

Doesn't suprise me to be honest. What a shit gift.

Being humble and kind and knowing when to splash a bit more has it's own reward and is better felt by the recipient.

Saying that if there are any millionaires on here and would like to gift me 100k I'm not going grumble.
One of them Shark hair dryer / wrap things, Great surprise when the courier delivered it, she answered the door and it was just there in the Shark box for all to see. :rolleyes:
I'm currently looking about for stocking fillers if anyone has any ideas.

I always get her summit daft for round the house. One year it was a mop with a spray bottle thing, which actually proved very useful. Another year I got her some extendable dusters that I've used more than her.

We're getting some new blinds fitted on Wednesday, so I've bought her a nifty set of blinds cleaners. :lol:
Last edited: be honest, can't remember the last time we actually exchanged gifts, post Kids.

Think I bought her some of those Raby Hunt skull chocolates the other year, and she told me off as hadn't got me owt.

If there's something she wants within reason, she'll just get it, and I'll do the same.
I got a painting as a gift from the artist. I already promised my GF that she could have it. Would it be cheapskate behaviour to get it framed and give it to her for Christmas or should I get her something else/in addition. It's not a cheap child's painting.

Advise and piss-taking equally welcome
One of them Shark hair dryer / wrap things, Great surprise when the courier delivered it, she answered the door and it was just there in the Shark box for all to see. :rolleyes:
Great minds think alike. Thankfully mine came in a box. 😂

She got it early anyway though.
I'm currently looking about for stocking fillers if anyone has any ideas.

I always get her summit daft for round the house. One year it was a mop with a spray bottle thing, which actually proved very useful. Another year I got her some extendable dusters that I've used more than her.

We're getting some new blinds fitted on Wednesday, so I've bought her a nifty set of blinds cleaners. :lol:
Robot vacuum thing. They're actually quite decent.
Instead of presents, we're off to London tomorrow for a couple of nights with the kids.

We'll probably pick a few bits up while we're there... Just so we've got stuff to open in front of the kids on xmas day.
About a couple of grand on a facelift and liposuction.
She’ll swear blind she didn’t need them …….
Daughter worked at a French ski chalet one winter and a Russian and hs wife were guests over Christmas and new year. He gave his wife £100,000 as her present. Daughter said of all the guests they has staying that season they gave the smallest tip.
So much for that old “redistribution of wealth “ mantra eh ? 😄
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I was in Smyths toy shop yesterday to pick the grandbains present up.
I was looking at the gaming chairs for your youngen thinking “ that would be a canny one”

Mad how on here can creep into day to day life

This thread was made for you, don't keep us in suspense Gilly lad, how much did you spend on the bubbly milf?
