Car screenwash issue

Clean your blades with wd40 infused rag.

No, no and thrice no. Terrible idea.

Wd40 on your windscreen won't help


WD40 is a water dispersant and putting it anywhere near your screen and/or wipers will cause streaks.

The OP needs to get the reservoir completely clean - I suspect it's had something like anti freeze put in there in error - by whatever method it takes.

Refill with water and a decent washer fluid.

Then clean both wiper blades with ideally brake cleaner or at a push, fairy liquid to get rid of any oil or grease.

Or better still replace blades with a new pair of decent quality such as Bosch or Valeo - but only when you are convinced the reservoir is squeaky clean.
My washer tank was bunged up. So i bought a hand pump so i could pump as much water out of tank, then put a bit plumbers drsin clearer in with a bit boiling water, let it settle then flushed out and done the job
No, no and thrice no. Terrible idea.


WD40 is a water dispersant and putting it anywhere near your screen and/or wipers will cause streaks.

The OP needs to get the reservoir completely clean - I suspect it's had something like anti freeze put in there in error - by whatever method it takes.

Refill with water and a decent washer fluid.

Then clean both wiper blades with ideally brake cleaner or at a push, fairy liquid to get rid of any oil or grease.

Or better still replace blades with a bew pair of decent quality such as Bosch or Valeo - but only when you are convinced the reservoir is squeaky clean.
Trust me it works.
Just smash your windscreen, then you won't need screen wash
He’s gonna need goggles though

Your system is mouldy, it needs a pull through. Put a dishwasher tablet in there with water and keep squirting it out.
If it’s got oil in there, you’ll need to clean it properly.
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I was told ages ago that you should always stick to the same brand of screenwash, otherwise different makes can react with one another and cause problems.

Probably not the cause of the issue in this case but you never know!
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If it’s the stuff ya mix ya self it can cause streaks if it’s too strong n not diluted enough.
If it’s the ready mixed stuff see the various quotes for lions shite 🤷🏻‍♂️
