Car screenwash issue

I was told ages ago that you should always stick to the same brand of screenwash, otherwise different makes can react with one another and cause problems.

Probably not the cause of the issue in this case but you never know!
This can be true. The OEM screen wash the main dealer put in my car was in a strange little bottle. They gave me the left overs and when I googled it it was a concentrate to be mixed 1:100. The general consensus on the car forums was don’t top it up with a generic pre mixed screenwash as like you said they will react and turn to gloop which is an absolute nightmare to flush out.
We need a campaign for real screenwash. Back in the day proper screenwash used to have a proper alcohol-type aroma for that "smell of napalm in the morning" every time you gave it a scoosh. But now all we have available to us is woke "berry" flavoured screenwash!!! I divvent want surrounding with the aroma of forest fruits on a frosty morning FFS. World's gone mad I tell yer.
This can be true. The OEM screen wash the main dealer put in my car was in a strange little bottle. They gave me the left overs and when I googled it it was a concentrate to be mixed 1:100. The general consensus on the car forums was don’t top it up with a generic pre mixed screenwash as like you said they will react and turn to gloop which is an absolute nightmare to flush out.

I think that is what happened to mine. I never paid much attention to what screen wash I was putting in, just whatever I had to hand, but there is enough possible chemistry going on with the active ingredients (usually ethylene glycol or propylene glycol) to cause a reaction to generate a precipitate (or "gloop" in laymans terms).

I really should know this as I have a chemistry degree but the chemistry of everyday life often passes me by.
