Just invested some money in a pal's tattoo removal business...

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You need a qualification to be able to do it which costs £50, you then need to have a laser and buying one of them isn't cheap, the cheapest one starts at £1700. £35 a session is a minimum starting price for an hour sitting.

Those of you who say it's a silly idea, it's not, think of all of the shit tattoos people have been getting and how much they'll regret it in the past, muffins, unicorns, cannabis leaves and the ilk. It's an unsaturated market at the minute, there are a few places that do it in Sunderland, only one place that does it in South Shields (and that's a beauty parlour). All in all, around the North East, there are about 20 places that offer the service majority of them being in Durham and Teeside. And that's just the ones that are based on a premises, so about 20-ish places to cover an area that has roughly 4 million people.

I think the OP has worded his post wrong by saying its a fad etc etc, but no one can deny that the growth of the tattoo industry has exponentially grown in, say, the past 10-15 years due to it becoming more affordable, easily accessible and a lot of budding artist jumping on the bandwagon. For the last reason alone there will be a number of people that have got tattoos that weren't done properly and now look shit or like I mentioned before people who got one and didn't think about it hard at the time. Not to mention the people who are mortal drunk on holiday and get one done thinking its a good idea and obviously it isn't as good as getting one done here (standards wise)

OP don't let these shitehawks tell you otherwise but it's a good idea, and anybody who had the capital and business nouse to get involved in it shouldn't think twice.
No you don't.

Try more like £800 for the cheapest.

If you run a cheap laser non stop for an hour it will break from overheating, so good luck.

In Sunderland alone, I know of 6 tattoo shops that offer removal and at least 4 cosmetic beauty salons that offer it. So there's 10. And I'm sure there are more, that was just off the top of my head. If the market isn't already saturated, it very soon will be.
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