The fall and fall of the Wise Men Say podcast

Thought the preview pod was fine. background noise a little loud but the lads put the effort in week in week out. Well apart from Keeling, so fair play.

as for content, there's only so many podcasts you can have devoted to Jack Clarke or our lack of goalscoring goalscorers.

Suppose you cant please everyone
Just very weird behaviour to start a thread about it in the first place. That an entirely free podcast ran by people who might actually read this board from time to time (and are bound to be sent it, tagged in it etc) might not be your cup of tea anymore. What’s it going to achieve?
To be fair mate, it's not a dig at you or Stephen as that was the pinnacle, great podcast then but with the new presenters, both the content but also the quality is really poor.
I like the people you’re slagging off.

If you don’t like it then don’t listen to it. It’s entirely unrealistic to think things don’t evolve over 10 years when we’ve done nearly 1,000 podcasts.

If what it is now isn’t for you then fair enough.
It's a great pod I'll be honest and at times I've struggled with irrational dislike of 09 by one of the lads but I've come to terms with that. I really enjoy all the shows and I don't think there is anyone who has as much passion as Eleanor, she's tremendous. I hope they don't get sick of criticism and keep it going.
Just very weird behaviour to start a thread about it in the first place. That an entirely free podcast ran by people who might actually read this board from time to time (and are bound to be sent it, tagged in it etc) might not be your cup of tea anymore. What’s it going to achieve?
Constructive feedback.
I like the people you’re slagging off.

If you don’t like it then don’t listen to it. It’s entirely unrealistic to think things don’t evolve over 10 years when we’ve done nearly 1,000 podcasts.

If what it is now isn’t for you then fair enough.
I get they're you're friends and you don't want to be critical. They all seem decent enough folk so this isn't a critique of them as people.

Ok, genuine question. When you hear them recording from a toilet or in a pub whereby it's barely audible, you can't think that's good?
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