Wrestling - Part 3

from Bret Hart's book

I got to see exactly what kind of champion Warrior was during a show in Omaha. Propped up on a stretcher a few feet outside the dressing room was a Make A-Wish kid who looked to be down to his last few hours. There was not a hair left on his head, and not even his Warrior face paint could mask his sad eyes. Sickly pale and barely breathing through a ventilator tube, the boy wore a purple Warrior T-shirt and green and orange tassels tied around his biceps to honor his hero. His mother and father and an older brother and sister were with him, patiently waiting for the promised encounter with The Ultimate Warrior.

I bent over to say hello, as did all the other wrestlers on the way into the dressing room. It was odd, but there was Warrior actually sitting with us: He usually kept to himself in his private dressing room. By the time the third match started, a WWF public relations rep poked his head in and politely asked Warrior if he was ready to meet the dying boy. Warrior grunted, “In a fuckin’ minute. I’m busy.” I thought to myself, Busy doing what, talking to a bunch of guys you can’t stand anyway?

As the night wore on the family waited just outside the dressing room door, the boy hanging on to his dying wish to meet his hero. As I was returning to the dressing room after my match, I was relieved to see that they weren’t there anymore; I assumed that the kid’s wish had come true.

Warrior’s entrance music played while Jim and I quickly showered in hopes of beating the crowd out of the building. We’d have to hurry since Warrior never went over ten minutes. We dressed, grabbed our bags and took off. As we rounded a corner down a backstage ramp, we came upon the boy and his weary family, who had been moved there so as not to get in the way of Warrior’s entrance. I thought, That lousy piece of shit. He’d made them wait all night, unable to summon the compassion to see this real little warrior. Hogan, Randy and countless others, including André, never hesitated to take the time to meet a sick, dying kid. My disgust for Warrior magnified a thousand times. To me he was a coward, a weakling and a phony hero.

aye, that award really should be in Warriors honour like.
Bryans fans showing themselves up big time there, stupid chants of Daniel Bryan in a moving segment. I like Bryan, hate his fans.

from Bret Hart's book

aye, that award really should be in Warriors honour like.

Lovely of warriors wife to talk about herself for 30 mins then gloss over Connor for 5 as well, selfih bitch.
Bryans fans showing themselves up big time there, stupid chants of Daniel Bryan in a moving segment. I like Bryan, hate his fans.

Lovely of warriors wife to talk about herself for 30 mins then gloss over Connor for 5 as well, selfih bitch.
This does seem to have a few bellends in the crowd, saying what' during the bushwhackers speech.
Totally agree, whilst Cena gets praise for his charity work as well, it heavily supports his babyface status. He got a lot of good PR for donating his airmiles, which the WWE probably paid for and Cena probably wouldn't have used anyway.

I also don't like triple H unveiling warriors statue this week, yes triple H is a decent guy but he is being elevated for being Stephanies husband. If we were being brutally honest his biggest successes have came from using people and has never got a pop from his own accord. When I hear him being compared to Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Sting it really doesn't sit well with me.
He will forever be known as the guy who works with the top guy. Triple h is just a f***ing social climber who got lucky simple as that.
