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They made me a gibbering wreck. My missus fucked off and took my dog and I was alone and trying to battle the feeling of the tablets.

I'll never forget coming home from work every day and having to see her stuff all piled up ready to be moved out.

Love your approach though mate. Music was a big help. Massive. How are you feeling at the minute?

:evil: the f***ing bastard, that's a low blow tbh

They made me a gibbering wreck. My missus fucked off and took my dog and I was alone and trying to battle the feeling of the tablets.

I'll never forget coming home from work every day and having to see her stuff all piled up ready to be moved out.

Love your approach though mate. Music was a big help. Massive. How are you feeling at the minute?

Feeling good at the minute mate thanks. I need to put in a lot more work to get rid of some of the issues in my life that cause me to feel that way but earlier in the year I felt completely helpless and now I feel like I'm not far away from cracking it, so definitely big improvements this year.

Admitting the problem and being honest with yourself and a friend/family member/doctor is the key imo.
Thanks mate, i don't really want to take anything, seems like a bit of a slippery slope.

If you don't want to don't, GP's get 10 minutes to decide what to do, for me it's nowhere near long enough to come up with the anti depressant route.
Although that's just my feeling on it, you are of sound mind to me to make your own decisions.
Supporting Sunderland doesn't help mind. Talk to your friends about it. Feels good to tell people. I've exchanged pm's with people on here about it. Feels good to get shit off your chest. It'll go eventually mate, keep that in mind.

You just send me cock pics.
Can't say anything about citalopram specifically because I've never had it, but I was given medication in the summer and I stopped it after 3 weeks because I felt like a different person. I was on Sertraline 50mg and I was getting headaches, feeling sick, feeling generally numb and distant and I didn't have any sexual drive either. I decided that I didn't want to be a person who would rely on medication and started reading more self help stuff myself. Felt so much better within 3 days of coming off them.

After persisting with them for 2 years, ended up taking something between 20-30 Sertraline in one go last December. I was absolutely delirious to the point of being manic for 24 hours or so then had 3 days of the worst comedown imaginable, beats any cocaine crash I endured and have never taken a pill since and on the whole feel a lot better for it.
Chris Hunt!

That's the fella!

He'll be pleased you've got him mixed up with me. :lol:
You could buy a few York weights from argos, powerhouse/workout world etc and just do it at home initially. Could even buy a cheap bench from Argos - not too expensive, fold up and will do the job initially. A few park runs etc, then when you get a bit more confident/experienced in lifting/running etc join a gym?

Will have a look at prices, and whether i have enough room!

I've only just started reading from this last page so sorry if this post is way off topic, why not do some home work out stuff?

I do a Billy Blanks Tae Bo work out a couple of times a week and the difference has been amazing.

Will have to google that, cheers!

I think working up to going to the gym will be better, as I need to meet more people and actually get out my bedroom, at the moment just stuck in a constant negative thoughts cycle and self loathing.

Do you drive? I'm always very self conscious of exercising while overweight, so I'll drive somewhere, it only needs to be 10 minutes or so away, where people don't know me and I'll go for a run there. If some randomer takes the piss (and it does happen, but rarely), so what? I'll never see them again.
Nah don't drive, I really should learn as I always think it would make it much easier for me to avoid walking past people, that seems really pathetic now i've written it down. :oops:

FFS! Worst thing you can do if you have depression.
At least when sober i can have some form of rational thought when i'm down but that all goes out of the window when I've had a drink.
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Been there done it and still hover on the edge of it.
I'll gladly talk to anyone just gis a pm if you want. Horrible crap that if you havnt experienced no one can ever describe what its like. What I will say on here is tablets are not the magic wand you might think they are.
Been there done it and still hover on the edge of it.
I'll gladly talk to anyone just gis a pm if you want. Horrible crap that if you havnt experienced no one can ever describe what its like. What I will say on here is tablets are not the magic wand you might think they are.
how can you tell if you have it or just are feeling down lots
After persisting with them for 2 years, ended up taking something between 20-30 Sertraline in one go last December. I was absolutely delirious to the point of being manic for 24 hours or so then had 3 days of the worst comedown imaginable, beats any cocaine crash I endured and have never taken a pill since and on the whole feel a lot better for it.

Bloody hell mate, that sounds horrible. Pills are not the answer imo, at their best all they do is hide the underlying problem for a while.

Is there a common factor here in that you've all had some form of drug problem.?

Nah mate, I've never touched drugs in my life other than alcohol and even then I've never drank too stupidly since my late teens/early 20's.
Do you drive? I'm always very self conscious of exercising while overweight, so I'll drive somewhere, it only needs to be 10 minutes or so away, where people don't know me and I'll go for a run there. If some randomer takes the piss (and it does happen, but rarely), so what? I'll never see them again.

You get some proper arseholes like, if someone is out running why anyone would try be clever and take the piss is beyond me.
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