Things in your house that you remember from when you were a bairn.

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I see that it has been answered but yes its a reel to reel film projector which could be used for cinefilm (the thing that recorded moving images before video cameras!) this is a domestic version to what cinemas would use back in the day!

Aye I can see it now - I was just thrown by it not having film in it. I'm going to sound a bit like Blep here but I'm 37 and have seen those things thousands of times :oops:

I think my mam still has one and uses:
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For those time you need a quick clean but don't want the hassle of getting the full hoover out apparently.

It broke! I gave her a rechargeable one that I got free as a demo model through work but it was no good for picking up all the dog hair in our house.
Brass.... f***ing brass.... amd some weird shovels and shit despite having a electric council fire .....

I'm not really old enough to have anything that stands out from my parents house.

But going back to my grandparents house, they had brass all over the bloody place. Horse brass everywhere, stamped brass and pewter plates, brass fire poker and other fire related stuff. They also had an electric fire...
Got one for christmas when i was about twelve- first thing I recorded was me getting a slash

I've still got mine tucked up in a box with my old spectrum.

We use one of them!

Still got one, still use it!

I have one of those bowls as well. It must be cracking on for about sixty year old!

Proper giant prams

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You could go camping in them buggers.

That's a Marmet pram. I currently have one of those in the hall folded up ready to get chucked in a skip as no one wants them these days. It's a bloody shame as I only had one kid so it didn't really get a lot of wear and tear. Shame boys are such wimps now as they could have had the wheels for a bogey.
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we ad one of these _ the cheap version though - toasting fork

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Remember back in the 80s had a coal fire and we were due to be modernised to gas within a few weeks so rather than fill the the coal house up i went round work and emptied all the old lockers over the week and got bags full of old work boots about six black bags full burnt the lot and all was left was a pile of steel toe caps..much to be said for a coal fire.:lol:
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